Laatste Manier Corporate Solutions
It is a matter of general belief that taxes on income and wealth are of recent origin
but there is enough evidence to show that taxes on income in some form or the other were
levied even in primitive and ancient communities. The origin of the word "Tax" is from
"Taxation" which means an estimate. These were levied either on the sale and purchase of
merchandise or livestock and were collected in a haphazard manner from time to time.
In India, the system of direct taxation as it is known today, has been in force in one form or another even from ancient times.
In India, the system of direct taxation as it is known today, has been in force in one form or another even from ancient times.
Laatste Manier
Direct Tax Services
- Corporate Tax Advisory
- Filing of Income Tax Returns of Corporate and Non-Corporates
- Tax Compliances
- Tax Representation & Litigation Services
- Filing of TDS and TCS Returns
- Dividend Distribution and calculation of Dividend Distribution Tax

Laatste Manier Corporate Solutions
Indirect Tax Services
An indirect tax (such as sales tax, per unit tax, value added tax (VAT), or goods and
services tax (GST), excise, consumption tax, tariff) is a tax that is levied upon goods
and services before they reach the customer who ultimately pays the indirect tax as a
part of market price of the good or service purchased.
- GST Registration
- Filing of Monthly, Quarterly and Annual Returns
- Advisory Services
- GST Audit
- GST Compliances
- GST Migration Procedure
- GST Representation & Litigation Services